Texas Music Water

I met Dean with Texas Music Water in December of 2010 at the Sims Foundation Gala. We hit it off immediately, as we were both there supporting a cause near and dear to our hearts – supporting musicians, in this case through Mental Health and Rehabilitation Services. Through chatting, he explained a new business he was starting – Texas Music Water. The concept was simple yet brilliant – for every bottle sold, a percentage of the proceeds is donated to local music organizations as well as local public school music programs.

I came on board as the social media queen, artist liaison and everything in between. Part of our marketing plan was to feature different bands who supported Texas Music Water. My job was to find those bands. We’ve come a long way since then, where we only had the musicians listed as supporters on our website; now we post daily about our supporters, both on Facebook and Twitter and we even have a monthly blog featuring a new Texas Music Water supporter each time! I also orchestrated our first Texas Music Water radio commercial featuring Willy Braun from Reckless Kelly. I not only came up with the script, but found the studio to record the audio, then edited the sound byte down to a 30 second clip with music too.
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It’s been super exciting watching Texas Music Water grow – we are now available in all kinds of store and concert venues as well as festivals all over Texas. I can’t wait to see what the future brings for this unique company!

For more info, visit: www.texasmusicwater.com or www.facebook.com/texasmusicwater

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