Meet Rikki

My name is Rikki Hardy. I was born and raised in San Marcos TX. I grew up with music constantly in my life (thanks to my fabulous parents) so by the time I was 18, I packed up and moved a few miles north to Austin.

While at the University of Texas, I earned a BS in Communication Studies (with a concentration in Corporate Communication) as well as a Business Foundations Certificate. While in school, I got super involved in the Music & Entertainment Committee (MEC), which was a student run organization that put on events for the student body – mainly music, but we did team up with several other committees to host events with distinguished speakers (movie stars, politicians, musicians, writers, comedians, etc.) I also had the amazing privilege of being in Clifford Antone’s History of the Blues Class. While other students looked at this class as an elective, I looked at it as having the chance to sit face to face with the man who brought music to Austin. I soaked up every ounce of this class and Cliff became a pivotal mentor, a game-changer. He told me that I needed to do what makes me happy in life and he hoped it revolved around music as music had brought him so much happiness. Being a part of MEC and meeting people like Cliff sparked a change in me – let’s be honest, I started off as a Bio-Chemistry Pre-Med major…From that point on, I knew my future had to involve music; be it in the form of volunteering for different organizations, coordinating events and concerts, handling marketing or social media for bands/events, or just plain coming home and listening to vinyl when I get off work or catching live music on the weekends. Most importantly though, my time at UT taught me that I needed to find something in life that I enjoyed doing…and pursue a career that lined  up.

I’ve had a few jobs since graduating, and while I’m thankful to have worked for the companies I have, I know that none of them were meant to be my final career path. And so, I’ve begun exploring the things I’m good at and enjoy doing to see what I can find that meshes with what I went to school for that can also serve as a longterm career path. Currently my area of focus for new opportunities are: social media, marketing, PR, communication, and events. I’m really ready to hunker down and get busy, especially with a start up or locally owned business. Both seem to exhibit qualities that I want in a career: fast paced, growth, ever changing, and mainly – demanding.

To quench my philanthropic thirst (and love for music), I’ve been volunteering for the past three years with the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians, serving as Chair for the Good Eggs & HAAM from January 2011-October 2013 and continue to serve on their Executive Committee. I am also currently on the events committee for the SIMS Foundation’s annual Spring fundraiser, Heart of the City – A Celebration of Soul. Both HAAM & SIMS provide such important help to musicians in Austin [many whom I consider friends, but more importantly - the lifeblood of our Austin culture] and I am extremely proud to be associated with each.

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To get a look at the basics of my life between graduation and now, check out my resume. For a detailed look at what makes me tick and what I’ve been involved with over the past few years, check out the links above! Or to contact me, fill out the form below.

